The table is inserted on the selected slide, with the cursor in the top left corner cell. To change, type the number of rows, and press Enter. The focus moves to the Number of rows field. If you want to delete the default number, press Delete, and type a new number of columns. The Insert Table dialog opens, with the focus in the Number of columns field. To insert a table in your presentation, press I. Go to the slide area where you want to insert the table. The picture is cropped to the selected aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is announced as you move. To browse the aspect ratio options, use the Up or Down arrow keys. To open the Aspect Ratio menu, press Alt+J, P, then V and A. In the slide area, select the image you want to crop. The picture is cropped to the selected shape. The shape descriptions are announced as you move.
To browse the shape options, use the arrow keys. To go to the Crop to Shape menu, press Alt+J, P, then V and S. To select an image, press Tab until you hear: “Image.” In JAWS, you hear: 'Picture.' Reshape your presentation pictures into specific shapes or aspect ratios. Press Tab until you hear 'Insert button,' and press Enter. Note: You can select more than one picture.